Whenever you create a new website or blog for your business, the first thing you probably want to happen is that people find it. 
Most people will create business cards with their website and contact information. This is the easiest and fastest way to share your website or blog with others because you'll use it to do the talking for you and as your 'closing tool'.
And, of course, one of the other ways you hope they will find it is through web searches. But typically, you have to wait around for the Googlebot to crawl your website and add it (or your newest content) to the Google index. This process is the same for all other search engines too.

What is Googlebot, Crawling, and Indexing?

Before we get started on some good tips to attract the Googlebot to your site, let’s start with what the Googlebot is, plus the difference between indexing and crawling.
The Googlebot is simply the search bot software that Google sends out to collect information about documents on the web to add to Google’s searchable index.

Crawling is the process where the Googlebot goes around from website to website, finding new and updated information to report back to Google. The Googlebot finds what to crawl using links.

Indexing is the processing of the information gathered by the Googlebot from its crawling activities. Once documents are processed, they are added to Google’s searchable index if they are determined to be quality content. During indexing, the Googlebot processes the words on a page and where those words are located. 

How to Get Your New Website or Blog Discovered

So, how can you get your new website discovered by Googlebot? Here are some great ways and they will help you get referral traffic to your new website too.

Create or Update Social Profiles – As mentioned previously, crawlers get to your site via links. One way to get some quick links is by creating social networking profiles for your new website or adding a link to your new website to pre-existing profiles. This includes Twitter profiles, Facebook pages, Google+ profiles or pages, LinkedIn profiles or company pages, Pinterest profiles, and YouTube channels.

Share Your New Website Link – Once you have added your new website link to a new or pre-existing social profile, share it in a status update on those networks. For Pinterest, pin an image from your website blog, and for YouTube, create a video introducing your new website and include a link to it in the video’s description.

Once your website or blog is indexed, you’ll start to see more traffic from Google searches. The best way to ensure that your new content is discovered quickly is simply by sharing it on social media networks through status updates, especially on Facebook.

Thankfully your Essenty website provides Search Enginge Optimization (SEO) AND a pre-filled blog that will significantly help with being found by keyword searches on Google.  

I hope all this info makes sense to you and helps you understand the process a bit better.