Essenty gives you the ability to import contacts from a CSV file, up to 10,000 at a time. 

CLICK HERE to follow a "roadmap", which is a series of sequenced steps to downloading and importing to your Essenty Contact Manager and setting up your subscription lists, which then allow you to send texts and emails.

Or follow the directions below which will teach you how to import contacts from your VO or any file.


First, you should export your downline contacts from your Virtual Office (if you have a downline). We highly recommend that you click HERE to learn how to download 13 exact fields for importing easily to Essenty.

Please CLICK HERE if you are importing contacts from some other CSV file. 


We have made the importing of contacts very easy and this short 6-minute video below will help you see how.

Written directions are provided below the video.


Four Easy Steps!

STEP ONE - Import File

1. Click on the purple "NEW" button in the left upper corner of your Essenty back office and then you can select "Import contacts".

2. Give your import list a name in the "Import Title" space. It's always good to name it something that you'll recognize easily, later.

3. Click the blue "Choose a local file" button and find your exported CSV file. It will ask you to confirm the file you want to import, just click "Add" if it's the right file.

TROUBLESHOOTING: When importing, if it tells you the file type is incorrect this might be because you opened the file in "Numbers" (a Mac spreadsheet). Once you do that, make changes and save, it changes the file from a CSV file to a Numbers file. To overcome this you should either not open the downloaded CSV file before importing or if you must open it and make a change, choose "export to CSV file" to save it back to the file type that is needed before importing.

STEP TWO - Map (match) fields

Once the file comes in, you'll notice that all the map fields match perfectly, if you selected the right 13 items.

1. Checkmark the box if your exported spreadsheet has no headers. No need to do anything here.

2. We recommend that you choose "Auto capitalize name fields"This is auto-filled for you.

Scroll down your data and you'll see how Essenty automatically matches up to the data that you exported from your Virtual office.

STEP THREE - Organize Contacts

This step doesn't require anything from you - because you are importing your Virtual Office contacts. Any edits made on this step will be applied to all contacts in this import.

If you had been importing a different CSV file, this section would be useful to you.

STEP FOUR - Submit Import

You're almost done importing your contacts! 

Please answer the two questions seen in the screenshot below, then you can click “Submit Import”.

Click Submit Import.  It may take some time if there are many. You'll get a notification when it's done importing and ready to view.


- Clicking "View Details" on the notification will bring you to your newly imported contacts screen. You can see how many were added, skipped, and updated.  If there were any duplicates or errors, you can review everything.