Yes, Essenty offers a Leg-Builder feature!

Setting Up Your Leg-Builder

When we refer to the term “leg-builder,” we are referring to “giving the sponsorship away” by assigning a new distributor to someone else in your downline. 

  • Remember - this is completely optional. By default, you will be both the Enroller and Sponsor for all sign-ups originating from your Essenty site unless you activate the “leg-builder” feature. 

To activate the Leg-Builder feature, go to the My Website  > Website Settings page of your Essenty Backoffice. Scroll down to the “Advanced Settings” section and complete the information in the "Sponsor #: Leg-Builder Customization" section. Enter one of your downline member’s ID number and check the box to place your sign-ups under that person. You can change this as many times as you would like.

Why Do You Offer This Kind Of Feature? 

Give Away The Sponsorship

Why would you do that? 

It is a strategy used mostly by business builders trying to grow a particular team leg and help them move to the next rank faster. Your Essenty Backoffice allows you to do this easily. 

First, let’s look at what this means, then I will go over how you do it:

During sign-up, Young Living provides a spot for your prospects to fill in their enroller ID number and sponsor ID number: 

  • Enroller: This is the person responsible for personally introducing a new distributor to Young Living. If they come from your Essenty site, that’s you!

  • Sponsor: A new distributor’s direct upline and primary support. Typically the enroller will also be the sponsor. But, you can help others grow their downline by “giving away the sponsorship” and have your referrals assigned to one of your team members.