Here's how EASY it is to change your website address for your Essenty site.
NOTE: If you are wanting to use your own domain with your Essenty site and need help, please CLICK HERE.
When you register with Essenty you can choose from SIX different Essenty domain names (URLs). Even if you have your own personal domain name, you still have to have an Essenty website address.
Here are the domain names you can choose from while registering OR change to in your back office:
If you want something different after the slash, you can change that here as well.
If you didn't know you had all these choices, you might want to change yours before you are solidly established. We do not recommend you change it if you have been using it for a while and have established a presence on Google searches.
Update your website address by following these steps:
- Click Settings in the side menu and navigate to the My Website tab.
- Click Edit above the Website Address field and follow the steps.
This short video shows you how to change the parent domain and the part after the slash (we refer to as username).